Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association
Learn More“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
-Matthew 9:37-38
Who We Are
Our Story
The Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association has been serving in the Philippines since 1985 with five major priorities: Evangelism, Church Planting, Pastor Training, Orphan Care, and the Training of the Next Generation of Evangelists. It is the primary goal of BTEA to make the gospel of Jesus Christ available to every person in the world.
Read More Our Plan
Our plan is to preach the Gospel in every village in the Philippines in the next 5 years. The task is great, but God specializes and delights in doing the impossible!
Mission Opportunities
Are you interested in taking the trip of your life? Would you like to spend two to six weeks of your time bringing the Good News of the Gospel to thousands of people who have never heard and see hundreds, even thousands, put their faith in Christ? Would you like to invest in eternal things and allow God to teach you truths that will revolutionize your perspective on life?
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This is pure and undefiled religion, n the sight of our God and Father, To visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Filipino Evangelists
The Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association has nearly 60 Filipino staff translate for an average of 40 people for eight weeks of each year, two weeks in January and six weeks in the summer. Throughout the rest of the year, the men travel within their province hosting film showings and sharing the gospel for all to hear.
Learn more Support Our Short-Term Missionaries
Meet our current team in need of support.
How will your story read?

What I encountered at Uncle Dick’s Home caught me totally off guard. I sat surrounded by children, who were singing a chorus entitled ‘The Love of God,’ and I experienced God’s pure love in a way I never have before. Instead of coming away feeling sorry for these children and wanting to bring them back to America, I left knowing that they already have everything they need. They are wonderfully loved and cared for, and they have a real, vibrant relationship with a living God who is manifesting Himself through them.

The children [at Uncle Dick's Home] were so beautiful, and we had a great time laughing, playing, and singing. The orphanage is an amazing place with a play area, fruit trees, a garden, a modern kitchen, and gorgeous landscaping. The staff at the orphanage does a tremendous job, and the children are bright, well-groomed, and obviously well-cared for. Most of all, I was thrilled to listen to the kids as they sang songs about Jesus and recited Scripture verses. Each one of these children has a great opportunity to learn about God and to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus. Uncle Dick’s Home is the instrument of God in the lives of these children, as He proves that He is a ‘father to the fatherless,’ and as He makes a way for the little children to come to Him.

One of the most incredible opportunities I had in the Philippines was to preach the gospel to 5,000 Filipino students and teachers. Watching the power of the Holy Spirit settle on the hearts of the children was indescribable as thousands of hands, without hesitation, were raised confessing Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Many times after preaching, I would hand out gospel tracts, then head to the front of the room to pick up my backpack. I noticed the kids would always stop and immediately read the tract out loud. I loved to pause and listen. One day, I heard the teacher in the class next door leading the reading of the tract aloud, line by line. It was a sweet sound of good news.

One day after I shared the gospel at an elementary school, I was giving "high fives" and shaking hands with students. A little girl took my hand and said something to me. I asked her, "What did you say?" She pulled my hand down, so I bent over so she could speak into my ear. She said, "Thank you for coming and telling me how I can have Jesus in my heart.

I spoke to a classroom of K-3 students. Seeing their little eyes look up at me reminded me of how God calls us to have the faith of a child and said, "Let the little children come to Me." Many of them heard about Jesus for the first time. It was humbling to watch their hands go up!

After I spoke at a large high school, the principal stood up, tears in his eyes, and said, "Thank you for sharing the Good News! Now, Jesus is living in me, and my life has been changed, praise the Lord!" One teacher grabbed my arm and said, "Thank you, sister! Now I know I will see you someday in heaven." That morning, nearly 2,000 souls were saved

I had the opportunity to speak to a group of high school girls at an assembly. One girl introduced her friend to me and explained that her parents had abandoned her. I shared with them that Jesus will never leave them and was able to lead her and her friend to Christ.

I was sharing the gospel in a high school classroom in Quezon City when I noticed a blind boy listening intently as he sat in the back of the classroom. I gave the invitation and saw him praying when my translator led the class in prayer. As I was leaving, I stopped to hug him. He said to me, "I'll see you in heaven!" What a blessing to know that although he could not see me then, he will one day know exactly who I am.

It is an amazing feeling to preach the Gospel and see most of the people place their trust in Christ. I long for the day in heaven when I will see tens of thousands of Filipinos with tears of joy rolling down their faces saying, "Thank you James, thank you.
These are the upcoming trip dates:
January 23 – February 7, 2021
June 19 - August 1, 2021
November 6 - November 21, 2021